CeraVe Facial Moisturising Lotion PM Versus The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
Updated on June 07, 2024
What they are
These products are both reef safe general moisturizers. They have a total of 6 ingredients in common
Cool Features
They both contain hyaluronic acid
Suited For
They're both likely to be good for anti aging, dry skin, brightening skin, sensitive skin and scar healing
Free From
They both do not contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, oils or parabens
We independently verify ingredients, and our claims are backed by peer-reviewed research. Spot a product that needs an update? Let us know.
Ingredient Info
CeraVe Facial Moisturising Lotion PM 24 ingredients
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 46 ingredients
Free from
Safety & Ethics
Canadian Brand
Free from
Safety & Ethics
pH Level 6.75
Canadian Brand
At a glance
Click on any of the items below to learn more
CeraVe Facial Moisturising Lotion PM 24 ingredients
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 46 ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients Side-by-side
Ingredients Explained
These ingredients are found in both products.
Ingredients higher up in an ingredient list are typically present in a larger amount.
Water. It's the most common cosmetic ingredient of all. You'll usually see it at the top of ingredient lists, meaning that it makes up the largest part of the product.
So why is it so popular? Water most often acts as a solvent - this means that it helps dissolve other ingredients into the formulation.
You'll also recognize water as that liquid we all need to stay alive. If you see this, drink a glass of water. Stay hydrated!
Learn more about WaterGlycerin is already naturally found in your skin. It helps moisturize and protect your skin.
A study from 2016 found glycerin to be more effective as a humectant than AHAs and hyaluronic acid.
As a humectant, it helps the skin stay hydrated by pulling moisture to your skin. The low molecular weight of glycerin allows it to pull moisture into the deeper layers of your skin.
Hydrated skin improves your skin barrier; Your skin barrier helps protect against irritants and bacteria.
Glycerin has also been found to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Due to these properties, glycerin is often used in wound and burn treatments.
In cosmetics, glycerin is usually derived from plants such as soybean or palm. However, it can also be sourced from animals, such as tallow or animal fat.
This ingredient is organic, colorless, odorless, and non-toxic.
Glycerin is the name for this ingredient in American English. British English uses Glycerol/Glycerine.
Learn more about GlycerinCaprylic/Capric Triglyceride is an emollient, solvent, and texture enhancer. It is considered a skin-softener by helping the skin prevent moisture loss.
Within a product, Caprylic Triglyceride can thicken the product and make spreadability easier by dissolving clumping compounds. An added benefit of Caprylic Triglyceride is its antioxidant properties.
Caprylic Triglyceride is made by combining glycerin with coconut oil, forming a clear liquid. Caprylic Triglyceride has not been found to be toxic for human use in concentrations under 50%.
While there is an assumption Caprylic Triglyceride can clog pores due to it being derived from coconut oil, there is no research supporting this.
Learn more about Caprylic/Capric TriglycerideCarbomer is a polymer of acrylic acid. Its main role is to create a gel consistency.
A high amount of carbomer can cause pilling or balling up of products. Don't worry, most products contain 1% or less of carbomer.
Sodium Hyaluronate is hyaluronic acid's salt form. It is commonly derived from the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid.
Like hyaluronic acid, it is great at holding water and acts as a humectant. This makes it a great skin hydrating ingredient.
Sodium Hyaluronate is naturally occurring in our bodies and is mostly found in eye fluid and joints.
These are some other common types of Hyaluronic Acid:
Learn more about Sodium HyaluronatePhenoxyethanol is a preservative that has germicide, antimicrobial, and aromatic properties. Studies show that phenoxyethanol can prevent microbial growth. By itself, it has a scent that is similar to that of a rose.
It's often used in formulations along with Caprylyl Glycol to preserve the shelf life of products.
Ingredient Ratings
Here's what our community thinks of the ingredients in these products.
When to use
CeraVe Facial Moisturising Lotion PM 24 ingredients
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 46 ingredients
Here's what our community thinks
CeraVe Facial Moisturising Lotion PM 24 ingredients
I have mixed feelings about this moisturiser. I used to use it twice a day as its lightweight, frangrance-free, great under makeup and absorbs...
I have mixed feelings about this moisturiser. I used to use it twice a day as its lightweight, frangrance-free, great under makeup and absorbs quickly. However I was sure it was making my cystic acne worse, so I cut it out of my routine for about 2 months and used other moisturisers that have less ingedients and no cetearyl alcohol. However after ruining my skin barrier with Differin, my skin was sooo dry, I needed something with ceramides in to help restore it. After using it for about a week my skin is feeling waaaay more hydrated and looks more even. I have had new acne appear but only a few spots and they're pretty small, so I can't decide whether to keep this in my routine or just use it for times when my skin is extra dry.
Pola 🐛
One of my favorite moisturizers! Leaves my skin glowy without making it look oily (if that makes sense) and basically feels really nice when applied
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 46 ingredients
Nice feel, but not for sensitive skin
You cant go wrong with the price point of this moisturizer. I have the self-proclaimed most sensitive skin on...
Nice feel, but not for sensitive skin
You cant go wrong with the price point of this moisturizer. I have the self-proclaimed most sensitive skin on the planet and found that this left a burning sensation for minutes after application. tried a few times before giving up but still burning continued.