Fascy Lab Green+ Sun Cream SPF50+ PA++++ Versus Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotics SPF 50+
Updated on July 05, 2024
What they are
These products are both vegan and reef safe sunscreens. They have a total of 7 ingredients in common
Cool Features
They both contain niacinamide and SPF
Suited For
They're both likely to be good for fighting acne, anti aging, dry skin, brightening skin, sensitive skin, oily skin, reducing pores, scar healing and dark spots
Free From
They both do not contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, oils, parabens or sulfates
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Ingredient Info
Fascy Lab Green+ Sun Cream SPF50+ PA++++ 23 ingredients
Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotics SPF 50+ 41 ingredients
Free from
Safety & Ethics
50 SPF Rating
Korean Brand
Free from
Safety & Ethics
50 SPF Rating
Korean Brand
At a glance
Click on any of the items below to learn more
Fascy Lab Green+ Sun Cream SPF50+ PA++++ 23 ingredients
Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotics SPF 50+ 41 ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients Side-by-side
Ingredients Explained
These ingredients are found in both products.
Ingredients higher up in an ingredient list are typically present in a larger amount.
Water. It's the most common cosmetic ingredient of all. You'll usually see it at the top of ingredient lists, meaning that it makes up the largest part of the product.
So why is it so popular? Water most often acts as a solvent - this means that it helps dissolve other ingredients into the formulation.
You'll also recognize water as that liquid we all need to stay alive. If you see this, drink a glass of water. Stay hydrated!
Learn more about WaterButylene Glycol (or BG) is used within cosmetic products for a few different reasons:
- It is a solvent, meaning that it helps to dissolve other ingredients. This also enhances the absorption of the product into one's skin.
- It is a humectant, which means that it helps attract moisture into the skin.
- It helps improve product application.
Overall, Butylene Glycol is a safe and well-rounded ingredient that works well with other ingredients.
1,2-Hexanediol is a multi-tasker ingredient. It acts as a preservative to increase shelf-life and can aid other preservatives in preventing microbe growth.
This ingredient also helps the skin retain moisture as a humectant.
In products that are water-based, this ingredient can help stabilize perfumes and fragrances. It can also help make the texture of products softer and more smooth.
Learn more about 1,2-HexanediolDiethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate (DHHB) is a chemical UVA absorber. It is formulated for high UVA protection (320-400 nm).
DHHB is well-liked for:
DHHB has been approved by the EU, Japan, Taiwan, and South America for use up to 10%. Unfortunately, it has not been approved for use in the US or Canada due to slow regulatory processes.
This ingredient is soluble in oils, fats, and lipids.
It is an UV absorber. UV absorbers are an agent that absorbs UV rays to protect your skin. They use chemical reactions to convert UV rays into heat and energy.
Learn more about Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl BenzoateNiacinamide has emerged as an all-star ingredient due to its many benefits.
It is known to treat acne by reducing inflammation. It also helps fade dark-spots and strengthen the skin by promoting the growth of the ceramide barrier.
Other benefits include smoothing wrinkles and minimizing redness.
The cherry on top? Niacinamide can also help build keratin, a protein that keeps skin firm.
When incorporating niacinamide into your routine, look out for concentration amounts. Typically, 5% niacinamide provides benefits such as fading dark spots. However, if you have sensitive skin, it is better to begin with a smaller concentration.
Niacinamide can be mixed with other ingredients to boost benefits. For instance, it has shown to be effective when used with copper, folic acid, and zinc to treat acne.
Learn more about NiacinamideA type of fatty alcohol. Fatty Alcohols are most often used as an emollient or to thicken a product. They are usually derived from natural fats and oils and therefore do not have the same drying or irritating effect as traditional alcohols.
Emollients help keep your skin soft and hydrated by creating a film that traps moisture in.
Behenyl Alcohol is usually derived from the fats in vegetable oils.
In 2000, Behenyl Alcohol was approved by the US as medicine to reduce the duration of cold sores.
Learn more about Behenyl AlcoholAdenosine is in every living organism. It is one of four components in nucleic acids that helps store our DNA.
Adenosine has many benefits when used. These benefits include hydrating the skin, smoothing skin, and reducing wrinkles. Once applied, adenosine increases collagen production. It also helps with improving firmness and tissue repair.
Studies have found adenosine may also help with wound healing.
In skincare products, Adenosine is usually derived from yeast.
Learn more about AdenosineIngredient Ratings
Here's what our community thinks of the ingredients in these products.
When to use
Fascy Lab Green+ Sun Cream SPF50+ PA++++ 23 ingredients
Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotics SPF 50+ 41 ingredients
Here's what our community thinks
Fascy Lab Green+ Sun Cream SPF50+ PA++++ 23 ingredients
Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotics SPF 50+ 41 ingredients
I really wanted to love it!
I love the ingredients, the way it sits on my face, the dewiness it leaves on application, it even helps with the...
I really wanted to love it!
I love the ingredients, the way it sits on my face, the dewiness it leaves on application, it even helps with the hyperpigmentation scars. BUT! It also makes me break out- which is such a bummer because other than that I really do love this product :(
Terrible for oily skin
It's my first expensive skincare product that I didn't finish and just got rid of it. It doesn't even absorb... After I...
Terrible for oily skin
It's my first expensive skincare product that I didn't finish and just got rid of it. It doesn't even absorb... After I apply it, the oily greasy mask just won't go away from my face!! It was a common situation for me with cheap products, but it isn't cheap ;-; And its glow effect is too much. Maybe it's great for dry skin, but it was so uncomfortable for my oily skin