Bioderma Photoderm MAX Aquafluide SPF 50+ (Clear) Versus Eucerin Advanced Hydration Lightweight Sunscreen Lotion SPF50
What they are
These products are both sunscreens. They have a total of 6 ingredients in common
Cool Features
They both contain SPF and Vitamin E
Suited For
They're both likely to be good for anti aging, dry skin, brightening skin, sensitive skin and scar healing
Free From
They both do not contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, oils, parabens or sulfates
We independently verify ingredients, and our claims are backed by peer-reviewed research. Spot a product that needs an update? Let us know.
Ingredient Info
Bioderma Photoderm MAX Aquafluide SPF 50+ (Clear) 34 ingredients
Eucerin Advanced Hydration Lightweight Sunscreen Lotion SPF50 22 ingredients
Free from
Safety & Ethics
50 SPF Rating
French Brand
Free from
Safety & Ethics
50 SPF Rating
German Brand
At a glance
Click on any of the items below to learn more
Bioderma Photoderm MAX Aquafluide SPF 50+ (Clear) 34 ingredients
Eucerin Advanced Hydration Lightweight Sunscreen Lotion SPF50 22 ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients Side-by-side
Ingredients Explained
These ingredients are found in both products.
Ingredients higher up in an ingredient list are typically present in a larger amount.
Water. It's the most common cosmetic ingredient of all. You'll usually see it at the top of ingredient lists, meaning that it makes up the largest part of the product.
So why is it so popular? Water most often acts as a solvent - this means that it helps dissolve other ingredients into the formulation.
You'll also recognize water as that liquid we all need to stay alive. If you see this, drink a glass of water. Stay hydrated!
Learn more about WaterOctocrylene protects skin from sun damage. It absorbs UV-B with peak absorption of 304 nm. It is a common sunscreen ingredient and often paired with avobenzone, a UVA filter. This is because octocrylene stabilizes other sunscreen ingredients by protecting them from degradation when exposed to sunlight. Octocrylene is a photostable ingredient and loses about 10% of SPF in 95 minutes.
Octocrylene also acts as an emollient, meaning it helps skin retain moisture and softens skin. It is oil-soluble and hydrophobic, enhancing water-resistant properties in a product.
Those who are using ketoprofen, a topical anti-inflammatory drug, may experience an allergic reaction when using octocrylene. It is best to speak with a healthcare professional about using sunscreens with octocrylene.
The EU allows a maximum of these concentrations:
Learn more about OctocryleneAlso known as Avobenzone, this ingredient is a chemical sunscreen filter that provides protection in the UV-A range.
Avobenzone is globally approved and is the most commonly used UV-A filter in the world.
Studies have found that avobenzone becomes ineffective when exposed to UV light (it is not photostable; meaning that it breaks down in sunlight). Because of this, formulations that include avobenzone will usually contain stabilizers such as octocrylene.
However, some modern formulations (looking at you, EU!) are able to stabilize avobenzone by coating the molecules.
Avobenzone does not protect against the UV-B range, so it's important to check that the sunscreen you're using contains other UV filters that do!
The highest concentration of avobenzone permitted is 3% in the US, and 5% in the EU.
Learn more about Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane1,2-Hexanediol is a multi-tasker ingredient. It acts as a preservative to increase shelf-life and can aid other preservatives in preventing microbe growth.
This ingredient also helps the skin retain moisture as a humectant.
In products that are water-based, this ingredient can help stabilize perfumes and fragrances. It can also help make the texture of products softer and more smooth.
Learn more about 1,2-HexanediolDisodium EDTA plays a role in making products more stable by aiding other preservatives.
It is a chelating agent, meaning it neutralizes metal ions that may be found in a product.
Disodium EDTA is a salt of edetic acid and is found to be safe in cosmetic ingredients.
Learn more about Disodium EDTATocopherol (also known as Vitamin E) is a common antioxidant used to help protect the skin from free-radicals and strengthen the skin barrier. It's also fat soluble - this means our skin is great at absorbing it.
Vitamin E also helps keep your natural skin lipids healthy. Your lipid skin barrier naturally consists of lipids, ceramides, and fatty acids. Vitamin E offers extra protection for your skin’s lipid barrier, keeping your skin healthy and nourished.
Another benefit is a bit of UV protection. Vitamin E helps reduce the damage caused by UVB rays. (It should not replace your sunscreen). Combining it with Vitamin C can decrease sunburned cells and hyperpigmentation after UV exposure.
You might have noticed Vitamin E + C often paired together. This is because it is great at stabilizing Vitamin C. Using the two together helps increase the effectiveness of both ingredients.
There are often claims that Vitamin E can reduce/prevent scarring, but these claims haven't been confirmed by scientific research.
Learn more about TocopherolIngredient Ratings
Here's what our community thinks of the ingredients in these products.
When to use
Bioderma Photoderm MAX Aquafluide SPF 50+ (Clear) 34 ingredients
Eucerin Advanced Hydration Lightweight Sunscreen Lotion SPF50 22 ingredients
Here's what our community thinks
Bioderma Photoderm MAX Aquafluide SPF 50+ (Clear) 34 ingredients
Eucerin Advanced Hydration Lightweight Sunscreen Lotion SPF50 22 ingredients
Meagan Butters
Cannot praise this enough! I was a bit skeptical as it doesn’t say anything about being for your face but wow does this hydrate my skin so well...
Cannot praise this enough! I was a bit skeptical as it doesn’t say anything about being for your face but wow does this hydrate my skin so well without making me feel greasy. Doesn’t sting your eyes either. I almost feel excited to put it on in the morning whereas I would be worried about breakouts with other SPFs.
Michelle MaBelle
Update: I've put this back into my routine now that I'm back in my normal environment and now giving this five stars. It works WAY better (humid...
Update: I've put this back into my routine now that I'm back in my normal environment and now giving this five stars. It works WAY better (humid summers/dry winters), doesn't pill under my moisturizers, plays well with my makeup, and doesn't break me out while giving me hydration.
TL;DR: Doesn't sting. FA safe. Feels gritty after a couple hours and doesn't keep my skin moisturized.
I've used this for a week on vacation, and I can already tell I don't like this. I've used the Sensitive Mineral version of this, and was meh on that too, mostly for the same reasons I'm not a fan of this one.
I think if I was in my normal environment, this would be better, but since I'm very dry right now, I'm not feeling this at all. It leaves a shiny finish that should feel moisturizing, but just leaves my skin feeling gritty after a bit. It hasn't made me break out, but it hasn't hydrated my skin to keep it from breaking out either. It's just meh.
However, it's one of the few generally acne-safe and FA-safe sunscreens out there, and doesn't leave you with a white cast, and you get a nice amount for the price, so it's workable; just not my favorite.