Good Days For All A New Leaf Cream Cleanser Versus Good (Skin) Days A New Leaf Cream Cleanser
What they are
These products are both vegan, cruelty-free, fungal acne (malassezia) safe, and reef safe face cleansers. They have a total of 25 ingredients in common
Cool Features
They both contain exfoliants
Suited For
They're both likely to be good for dry skin, brightening skin, sensitive skin, reducing pores and dark spots
Free From
They both do not contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, oils, parabens, silicones or sulfates
We independently verify ingredients, and our claims are backed by peer-reviewed research. Spot a product that needs an update? Let us know.
Ingredient Info
Good Days For All A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Good (Skin) Days A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Free from
Safety & Ethics
pH Level 6
American Brand
Free from
Safety & Ethics
Korean Brand
At a glance
Click on any of the items below to learn more
Good Days For All A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Good (Skin) Days A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients, at a glance
What's in this product, and how it might affect your skin.
Notable Ingredients
Ingredients Side-by-side
Ingredients Explained
These ingredients are found in both products.
Ingredients higher up in an ingredient list are typically present in a larger amount.
Water. It's the most common cosmetic ingredient of all. You'll usually see it at the top of ingredient lists, meaning that it makes up the largest part of the product.
So why is it so popular? Water most often acts as a solvent - this means that it helps dissolve other ingredients into the formulation.
You'll also recognize water as that liquid we all need to stay alive. If you see this, drink a glass of water. Stay hydrated!
Learn more about WaterGlycerin is already naturally found in your skin. It helps moisturize and protect your skin.
A study from 2016 found glycerin to be more effective as a humectant than AHAs and hyaluronic acid.
As a humectant, it helps the skin stay hydrated by pulling moisture to your skin. The low molecular weight of glycerin allows it to pull moisture into the deeper layers of your skin.
Hydrated skin improves your skin barrier; Your skin barrier helps protect against irritants and bacteria.
Glycerin has also been found to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Due to these properties, glycerin is often used in wound and burn treatments.
In cosmetics, glycerin is usually derived from plants such as soybean or palm. However, it can also be sourced from animals, such as tallow or animal fat.
This ingredient is organic, colorless, odorless, and non-toxic.
Glycerin is the name for this ingredient in American English. British English uses Glycerol/Glycerine.
Learn more about GlycerinPotassium Cocoyl Glycinate is an amino acid-based surfactant and cleaning agent. This ingredient can be derived from animals or plants. It may also be synthetically created from fatty acids of the coconut and glycine.
Potassium Cocoyl Glycinate is a gentle surfactant. Surfactants help gather the dirt, oil, and other pollutants from your skin to be rinsed away. It is a mild cleanser and naturally produces foam.
We don't have a description for Lauramidopropyl Betaine yet.
Hydroxypropyl Starch Phosphate is a modified starch used to help thicken a product.
It is also used in foods.
Acrylates Copolymer is used as a film-forming agent and texture enhancer.
After applied, Acrylates Copolymer forms a thin film cover that helps skin feel more soft. It can help sunscreens become more water-resistant.
It is also used to make a product more thick.
Learn more about Acrylates CopolymerThis flowering plant is more commonly known as Capillary wormwood.
According to a manufacturer, the flowers of this plant are used for their anti-inflammation and moisturizing properties.
Camellia Sinensis Leaf Powder is an exfoliant.
We don't have a description for Apium Graveolens Stem Extract yet.
We don't have a description for Coptis Japonica Extract yet.
Artemisia Montana Leaf Powder is an exfoliant.
You might know this ingredient as Kale. Besides being a superfood, kale has many benefits in skincare.
Kale is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free-radical molecules. These unstable molecules may damage your skin cells. By helping to stabilize them, antioxidants may help with anti-aging. Beta-carotene and vitamin C are two types of antioxidants found in kale.
Kale leaf extract also helps hydrate the skin as a humectant. Kale is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help soothe and hydrate skin. Studies show Brassica Oleracea Acephala Leaf Extract is effective at calming inflammation and treating inflammatory skin diseases.
Besides Vitamin C, Kale is also rich in vitamin A and vitamin K.
Learn more about Brassica Oleracea Acephala Leaf ExtractWe don't have a description for Cichorium Intybus Leaf Extract yet.
You might know Brassica Oleracea Italica as Broccoli. Brassica Oleracea Italica Extract can be extracted from any part of the broccoli plant.
Broccoli extract is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free-radical molecules. These unstable molecules may damage your skin cells. By helping to stabilize them, antioxidants may help with anti-aging. Beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin C are three types of antioxidants found in broccoli.
Broccoli is also rich in fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids. This makes it an effective moisturizer. Its high Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9 content make it an effective moisturizer.
Learn more about Brassica Oleracea Italica ExtractCitric Acid is an AHA derived from citrus fruits (think oranges, lemons, and limes!).
As an AHA, Citric Acid removes the top layer of skin cells from the newer layer of skin underneath. This helps skin to remove dark spots and even out skin tone.
If you spot Citric Acid near the end of an ingredient list, it's likely there as a pH adjuster rather than an active ingredient.
Read more about some other popular AHA's here:
Learn more about Citric AcidThis ingredient is the potassium salt of coconut acid. Coconut acid is created by mixing fatty acids from coconut oil.
It is an emulsifier, surfactant, and cleanser. According to a manufacturer, it contains glycerin.
Chances are, you eat sodium chloride every day. Sodium Chloride is also known as table salt.
This ingredient has many purposes in skincare: thickener, emulsifier, and exfoliator.
You'll most likely find this ingredient in cleansers where it is used to create a gel-like texture. As an emulsifier, it also prevents ingredients from separating.
There is much debate on whether this ingredient is comedogenic. The short answer - comedogenic ratings don't tell the whole story. Learn more about comegodenic ratings here.
The concensus about this ingredient causing acne seems to be divided. Research is needed to understand if this ingredient does cause acne.
Scrubs may use salt as the primary exfoliating ingredient.
Learn more about Sodium ChlorideHydroxyacetophenone is antioxidant and helps with skin conditioning.
Antioxidants help fight off free-radical molecules. These unstable molecules may damage your skin cells. By helping stabilize free-radicals, antioxidants may help in anti-aging.
Hydroxyacetophenone boosts the efficiency of other preservatives.
Learn more about HydroxyacetophenoneDipropylene Glycol is a synthetically created stabilizer and solvent. It is a part of the glycol class in the alcohol family.
Dipropylene Glycol helps dissolve and evenly distribute ingredients. It also helps decrease viscosity and thin out texture.
As a masking agent, Dipropylene Glycol can be used to cover the smell of other ingredients. However, it does not have a scent.
Studies show Dipropylene Glycol is considered safe to use in skincare.
Learn more about Dipropylene GlycolCaprylyl Glycol is a humectant and emollient, meaning it attracts and preserves moisture.
It is a common ingredient in many products, especially those designed to hydrate skin. The primary benefits are retaining moisture, skin softening, and promoting a healthy skin barrier.
Though Caprylyl Glycol is an alcohol derived from fatty acids, it is not the kind that can dry out skin.
This ingredient is also used as a preservative to extend the life of products. It has slight antimicrobial properties.
Learn more about Caprylyl GlycolButylene Glycol (or BG) is used within cosmetic products for a few different reasons:
- It is a solvent, meaning that it helps to dissolve other ingredients. This also enhances the absorption of the product into one's skin.
- It is a humectant, which means that it helps attract moisture into the skin.
- It helps improve product application.
Overall, Butylene Glycol is a safe and well-rounded ingredient that works well with other ingredients.
We don't have a description for Gardenia Florida Fruit Extract yet.
Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide. It is derived from starch such as rice, corn, wheat, or potato starch.
In food, Maltodextrin is used to improve the texture and thicken a product. Due to its structure, it can help create a gel texture. As an emulsion stabilizer, it helps keep the ingredients in a product together.
As a polysaccharide, Maltodextrin has moisturizing properties. Polysaccharides are a type of carbohydrate. The top layer of skin uses polysaccharides to retain water, keeping the skin hydrated.
Maltodextrin is water soluble and has a sweet taste.
Learn more about MaltodextrinDipotassium Glycyrrhizate comes from licorice root.
Extracts of licorice have demonstrated to have antibacterial, anti‐inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant properties.
One component, glabridin, has extra potent antioxidant and soothing properties. It has also been found to block pigmentation from UVB rays in guinea pigs.
Licorice Root also contains a flavonoid. Flavonoids are a natural substance from in plants. Flavonoids also have antioxidant properties.
Another component, glycyrrhizin, has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits. This may make licorice root extract effective at treating acne. However, more research is needed to support this.
Liquiritin is one of the flavone compounds found in licorice. It has been found to help lighten skin by preventing tyrosinase from reacting with tyrosine. When the two react, protein is converted to melanin. Melanin is the substance in your body that gives your features pigmentation.
Licorice root is native to Southern Europe and Asia. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to help with respiratory issues.
Learn more about Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate1,2-Hexanediol is a multi-tasker ingredient. It acts as a preservative to increase shelf-life and can aid other preservatives in preventing microbe growth.
This ingredient also helps the skin retain moisture as a humectant.
In products that are water-based, this ingredient can help stabilize perfumes and fragrances. It can also help make the texture of products softer and more smooth.
Learn more about 1,2-HexanediolIngredient Ratings
Here's what our community thinks of the ingredients in these products.
When to use
Good Days For All A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Good (Skin) Days A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Here's what our community thinks
Good Days For All A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
Good (Skin) Days A New Leaf Cream Cleanser 26 ingredients
A mild fairly gentle cleanser
I love that you can see bits of mugwort in the cleanser. There are lots of good natural ingredients in this and I...
A mild fairly gentle cleanser
I love that you can see bits of mugwort in the cleanser. There are lots of good natural ingredients in this and I really like how foamy it gets with just a small amount. It feels really good on the skin and doesn't have much of a smell.
This cleanser works well for me in the summer months when my skin tends to be oiler. It is a little too drying on sensitive combination skin to be using in the cold winter months. I will definitely reincorporate this cleanser into my routine when the weather warms up again.