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Clay Minerals

Our database includes 7 products that contain Clay Minerals.


Clay Minerals form when silicates are weathered or altered. They have varying amounts of minerals such as iron, magnesium, and alkali metals.

Like other clays, it is able to absorb large amounts of water and other molecules. Due to this, it can act as an astringent. Astringents constrict pores by drawing out water.

Learn more about clay such as kaolin and bentonite.

Clay Minerals is a rare cosmetic ingredient, with about 0.0% of the products in our database containing it.

What it does:

Astringent, Humectant, Buffering

CosIng Data

  • CosIng ID: 82849
  • EC #:  -
  • All Functions: Astringent, Binding, Buffering, Humectant
What is CosIng?

CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients.

SkinSort uses CosIng to source some of it's data on ingredient names and functions.