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TaehyungDiaries_216's avatar


Dry Skin Hormonal Acne Acne Fungal Acne
TaehyungDiaries_216's avatar

Monday and Saturday's Routine

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

missing: clindamycin phosphate topical solution USP 1% (morning, step 5) biotherm aqua pure super concentrate (morning, step 7) aklief (evening, step 6)

also: sometimes use the Cetaphil daily facial moisturizer with sunscreen spf...

missing: clindamycin phosphate topical solution USP 1% (morning, step 5) biotherm aqua pure super concentrate (morning, step 7) aklief (evening, step 6)

also: sometimes use the Cetaphil daily facial moisturizer with sunscreen spf 50 + as step 8 in the morning but I'm planning on getting a different sunscreen if I have no acne I won't use the dr. bronners instead I'll use the micellar water morning and evening but if I have acne I'll only use it when I've worn makeup two days of the week I'll use mandelic acid if I have no acne

Skin Type
Dry Skin
Skin Concerns
Hormonal AcneAcneFungal AcneFine LinesWrinklesDrynessDark SpotsPoresDullnessTexture