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Logan_8891's avatar


Normal Skin Fine Lines Wrinkles Pores
Logan_8891's avatar

10/10 for Glowing Skin

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

Depending on the day certain products get skipped. If I’m not able to do it all, I at least try to stick to my golden rule: In the AM - Cleanse, Tone, C-Serum, Sunscreen, moisturize. In the PM - Cleanse, Tone, Tretinoin, moisturize....

Depending on the day certain products get skipped. If I’m not able to do it all, I at least try to stick to my golden rule: In the AM - Cleanse, Tone, C-Serum, Sunscreen, moisturize. In the PM - Cleanse, Tone, Tretinoin, moisturize. Note: Tretinoin can be combined or alternated with Peptides.

All Seasons.
Skin Type
Normal Skin
Skin Concerns
Fine LinesWrinklesPoresDullness