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The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
princebeefcakes's avatar


United States
Sensitive Skin Fine Lines Wrinkles Sensitivity
princebeefcakes's avatar

Current Routine

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

[Spring 2024] I’m in my early 30s, with very easily burnt, sensitive, and often dry skin. I rarely wear makeup (maybe a couple times a year at most), and I don’t have issues with any kind of acne. My daily routine is focused on premature...

[Spring 2024] I’m in my early 30s, with very easily burnt, sensitive, and often dry skin. I rarely wear makeup (maybe a couple times a year at most), and I don’t have issues with any kind of acne. My daily routine is focused on premature aging prevention.

south-central Appalachia
Skin Type
Sensitive Skin
Skin Concerns
Fine LinesWrinklesSensitivityDrynessDullnessTexture