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United States
Unsure Skin Acne Fine Lines Wrinkles
Ayenovad's avatar

Weekly routine

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

Morning: Rinse my face with water in the morning, and then use all the products shown, along with first aid beauty mineral sunscreen zinc oxide broad spectrum 30 Night: Clean my face with products shown, chemical peel mask on Sundays,...

Morning: Rinse my face with water in the morning, and then use all the products shown, along with first aid beauty mineral sunscreen zinc oxide broad spectrum 30 Night: Clean my face with products shown, chemical peel mask on Sundays, toner and essence, retinol on Mondays, rest of routine shown

Skin Type
Unsure Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneFine LinesWrinklesSensitivityDrynessOilinessPoresDullnessTexture