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Products by Hamilton

About Hamilton

In the late 1920s, milton blake, a young adelaide chemist, experimented with the production of a sunburn cream. He had read about a...

In the late 1920s, milton blake, a young adelaide chemist, experimented with the production of a sunburn cream. He had read about a substance that possessed the property of absorbing the burning ultra-violet rays of the sun.

Australia Australian
Hamilton Dupes
Official Website
Hamilton SPF 50+ Everyday Face Cream
50 SPF
Sunscreen  ⸱ Australian

cruelty-free sunscreen that contains exfoliants, hyaluronic acid, spf and vitamin e.


This product contains 24 ingredients.

  • it doesn't contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, oils, parabens or sulfates
  • it does contain fragrances and silicones
  • it is not fungal acne (malassezia) safe
Hamilton Sensitive SPF 50+ Sunscreen
50 SPF
Sunscreen  ⸱ Australian

cruelty-free sunscreen that contains spf.


This product contains 6 ingredients.

  • it doesn't contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, oils, parabens, silicones or sulfates
  • it is fungal acne (malassezia) safe
Hamilton Urederm Cream
Body Lotion  ⸱ Australian

cruelty-free body lotion that contains 14 ingredients.


This product contains 14 ingredients.

  • it doesn't contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, parabens, silicones or sulfates
  • it does contain fragrances and oils
  • it is likely to be good for dry skin
  • it is reef safe
  • it is not fungal acne (malassezia) safe
Hamilton Skin Therapy Wash
Body Wash  ⸱ Australian

cruelty-free body wash that contains aha.


This product contains 12 ingredients.

  • it doesn't contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, oils or parabens
  • it does contain silicones and sulfates
  • it is likely to be good for brightening skin
  • it is fungal acne (malassezia) safe and reef safe
Hamilton Skin Therapy Nourishing Cream
Moisturizer  ⸱ Australian

cruelty-free general moisturizer that contains 15 ingredients.


This product contains 15 ingredients.

  • it doesn't contain any harsh alcohols, common allergens, fragrances, silicones or sulfates
  • it does contain oils and parabens
  • it is likely to be good for dry skin
  • it is not fungal acne (malassezia) safe
Displaying 5 products