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Clindamycin Phosphate

Our database includes 35 products that contain Clindamycin Phosphate.


Clindamycin Phosphate is a perscription ingredient used to treat acne.

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People also dislike: Niacinamide, Glycerin, Ascorbic Acid

Clindamycin Phosphate is a rare cosmetic ingredient, with about 0.1% of the products in our database containing it.

Community Stats

139 people from our community have liked or disliked this ingredient.

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Often have the following skin types:

Oily Combination

Usually have one or more of the following skin concerns:

Acne • Hormonal Acne • Oiliness • Redness

Where it's used

Of the 20 products in our database that have a known concentration of Clindamycin Phosphate, we've seen concentrations from 1% to 1.2% specified within their ingredient lists.

These are the categories of products that use Clindamycin Phosphate the most:

What is CosIng?

CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients.

SkinSort uses CosIng to source some of it's data on ingredient names and functions.