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Sensitive Skin Acne Fungal Acne Sensitivity
JK1's avatar

Acne Routine for those who cannot tolerate BP

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

Sunday: BHA Monday: rest Tuesday: sulfur mask Wednesday: BHA (if exfoliating 3 times a week is too much, swap with sulfur mask or add another rest day) Thursday : sulfur mask Friday: rest Saturday: sulfur mask

Start off...

Sunday: BHA Monday: rest Tuesday: sulfur mask Wednesday: BHA (if exfoliating 3 times a week is too much, swap with sulfur mask or add another rest day) Thursday : sulfur mask Friday: rest Saturday: sulfur mask

Start off with one BHA day and if needed work way up to two and three times a week. Only do this if necessary, if skin seems fine with just one or two days don’t add more. If skin feels dry opt out of sulfur mask and just let skin rest or only mask problem areas. Or just use a small spot treatment, if no active breakouts consider not applying sulfur some days and taking more rest days. Tip: Sulfur helps with sebaceous filaments and black heads/whiteheads.

Listen to your skin. Rest days necessary.

Never use actives and slug.

Listen to skin. If BHA seems unecessary just use sulfur mask.

If skin seems irritated or dry try slugging with 100% petroleum jelly (Vaseline).. consider masking with cicaplast for 15 minutes then wiping off

Tip: spray thermal water before toner, serum, and moisturizer

Skin Type
Sensitive Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneFungal AcneSensitivityDrynessPoresDullness