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Sunday Riley C.E.O. 15% Vitamin C Brightening Serum
AhmedAlzarouni_382's avatar


United Arab Emirates
Normal Skin Acne Dryness
AhmedAlzarouni_382's avatar

Anti-Aging 30s

Skincare Routine

Evening Routine

12 steps
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

Hey There! It's Ahmad, a 28-year-old guy with dry, acne-prone skin. I share with you my current routine as I'm a skincare junkie who always tries new products.

Hey There! It's Ahmad, a 28-year-old guy with dry, acne-prone skin. I share with you my current routine as I'm a skincare junkie who always tries new products.

Skin Type
Normal Skin
Skin Concerns