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Oily Skin Acne Hormonal Acne Dark Spots
ZeeAshraff's avatar

Zee’s Daily Routine <3

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

This is my daily routine and I would love to get insight from anybody of the community about it! Remarks: In the morning, I would only use AHA/BHA with the Axis-Y glow serum and not with Vitamin C. I alternate the two combo per day;...

This is my daily routine and I would love to get insight from anybody of the community about it! Remarks: In the morning, I would only use AHA/BHA with the Axis-Y glow serum and not with Vitamin C. I alternate the two combo per day; Monday=AHA/BHA + Axis-Y, Tuesday=Vitamin C, and so on

Also is it true you should avoid mixing Niacinamide with Vit C?

Skin Type
Oily Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneHormonal AcneDark SpotsOilinessPoresDullnessTexture