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Combination Skin Fungal Acne Fine Lines Redness
bbmilo's avatar

Old Routine Yikeys

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

This is my latest routine! I've noticed some irritation and little bumps around my chin/mouth/nose since introducing the softymo oil and moon juice acid potion — trying to slow down on both to figure out which is causing the...

This is my latest routine! I've noticed some irritation and little bumps around my chin/mouth/nose since introducing the softymo oil and moon juice acid potion — trying to slow down on both to figure out which is causing the problem.

EDIT oh no i've gone and destroyed my skin barrier BRB figuring out how to repair her

Skin Type
Combination Skin
Skin Concerns
Fungal AcneFine LinesRednessPoresDullnessTexture