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Goal_GlassSKIN's avatar


United States

I'm struggling with my skin, hoping to achieve a flawless complexion like glass skin. However,...

I'm struggling with my skin, hoping to achieve a flawless complexion like glass skin. However, skincare alone cannot solve all my skin problems since factors such as diet and genetics also play a significant role. Despite this, I'm determined to find the best skincare products that suit me and are affordable in today's economy. I know it will take time and money, but I'm willing to persist and never give up until I achieve my goal.

Unsure Skin Acne Redness Sensitivity
Goal_GlassSKIN's avatar

Teenage Boy Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

I have used this routine for around a week, and so far, it works, but I might change a few things in the future. I want some comments about it from you people that you would personally change for the better. (It is expensive, but I've...

I have used this routine for around a week, and so far, it works, but I might change a few things in the future. I want some comments about it from you people that you would personally change for the better. (It is expensive, but I've been saving my own money for skincare products)

Very Cold/Cold
Skin Type
Unsure Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneRednessSensitivityDark SpotsOilinessPoresDullnessTexture