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United States
Oily Skin Acne Fungal Acne Dark Spots
gigiii's avatar

simple acne-fighting routine

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

I have struggled with stubborn and persistent breakouts since I was about 11, I am now in my later teens. My routine is fairly simple (I am very lazy lol), but I try to find good quality products that help my skin. My skin is far from...

I have struggled with stubborn and persistent breakouts since I was about 11, I am now in my later teens. My routine is fairly simple (I am very lazy lol), but I try to find good quality products that help my skin. My skin is far from perfect, but has improved a lot!

Skin Type
Oily Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneFungal AcneDark SpotsPoresTextureHormonal AcneDullness