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skanaaa_'s avatar


Sensitive Skin Hormonal Acne Redness Rosacea
skanaaa_'s avatar

Daily skin routine that saved my skin

Skincare Routine

I have had the following concerns, which intensified in 2017. After many years and sticking with these products, I’m happy to say that I barely get acne, have a skin with little to no hyperpigmentation and can be calmed better! Extremely...

I have had the following concerns, which intensified in 2017. After many years and sticking with these products, I’m happy to say that I barely get acne, have a skin with little to no hyperpigmentation and can be calmed better! Extremely happy!

(However probably due to sun exposure in the past when I didn’t know the goodness of sunscreen, I do have some slight veins.)

Skin Type
Sensitive Skin
Skin Concerns
Hormonal AcneRednessRosaceaSensitivityDark SpotsPoresDullness