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Dry Skin Acne Sensitivity Dryness
jojoswrld_'s avatar

πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ (cruelty-free)

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

NOTE: There are ~15 products listed in this routine, morning and evening. I do not use them all at once. Pay special attention to the notes and times that I’d use these products, as I have devoted a considerable amount of time to...

NOTE: There are ~15 products listed in this routine, morning and evening. I do not use them all at once. Pay special attention to the notes and times that I’d use these products, as I have devoted a considerable amount of time to researching what’s best for me.

With that, there are only five items in the morning and four in the evening that I use consistently: cleanser, toner, serum, moisturiser, and sunscreen (morning). All else is an extension that will, in some way, meet the needs of my skin.

It primarily centres around hydration, gentle exfoliation, and brightening. This is a rough guide for what I want this to look like: - clean skin (cleanser) - BHA for acne, AHA for brightening - extra hydration to combat dry skin - morning for protection, night for restoration - sealing in the benefits (moisturiser)

This is a routine I want to slowly work my way up to. As it stands, it’s not possible for me to have/use all of the listed products. This is a work in progress.

New England
Moderate climate
Skin Type
Dry Skin
Skin Concerns
Acne β€’ Sensitivity β€’ Dryness β€’ Dark Spots β€’ Dullness β€’ Texture