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Sensitive Skin Acne Fungal Acne Sensitivity
JK1's avatar

Skin Cycling to control different kinds of acne.

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

Only use one active at a time: emphasis on BP, BHA exfoliation night optional. Listen to skin and what you need most. Don’t be afraid to take rest days on treatment days if skin is dry! Also, on panoxyl days don’t use the Vanicream...

Only use one active at a time: emphasis on BP, BHA exfoliation night optional. Listen to skin and what you need most. Don’t be afraid to take rest days on treatment days if skin is dry! Also, on panoxyl days don’t use the Vanicream facial cleanser as the panoxyl is a facial cleanser.

Sunday: exfoliation night BHA Monday: Vaseline Slug or rest or sulfur mask 5-10 min to control fungal acne Tuesday: panoxyl 4% mask 3 minutes Wednesday: panoxyl 4% mask 3 minutes or if needed another BHA exfoliation session or sulfur mask as spot treatment (follow up with effeclar if needed after sulfur mask) Thursday: panoxyl 4% mask 3 minutes Friday: rest or sulfur mask or slug or panoxyl again Saturday: rest

NEVER slug and use actives, slugging completely optional. Rest nights necessary. If you can’t tolerate BHA OR AHA, just use the sulfur mask nightly with two rest days a week. Eventually choose the active most necessary for skin condition. I only exfoliate with BHA once a week. Never use two actives in same night. Sulfur is ok to use with BHA OR AHA, but this can be drying. Sulfur can help with blackheads and sebaceous filaments, and can take the place of BHA. This is not a forever routine, find the treatment that helps you the most. In most cases BP will be the most effective, but if it is too much consider only treating with sulfur and exfoliating 2-3 times a week with SA.

Only use Effeclar as a spot treatment on days where you are NOT BHA exfoliating or SLUGGING. Use a very small amount.

Tip: spray with thermal water before toner, serum, and moisturizer for better results

Skin Type
Sensitive Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneFungal AcneSensitivityDrynessPoresDullness