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Oily Skin Acne Hormonal Acne Fungal Acne
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Single Line Products (Skin1004) For Oily Skin

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

I'm trying to stick with one brand, Skin1004 seems to have a very good line of products suitable for Oily, Clogged Pores and Acne-prone skin. Having less than 2 brand of products help ease my OCD haha. Applying less products during the...

I'm trying to stick with one brand, Skin1004 seems to have a very good line of products suitable for Oily, Clogged Pores and Acne-prone skin. Having less than 2 brand of products help ease my OCD haha. Applying less products during the day is good for Oily skin. It is best to Exfoliate in the morning, while Treatment should be done in the evening/at night before bedtime. I specifically chose products that contain Niacinamide, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Centella Asiatica and Hyaluronic Acid so you don't have to. Good luck my oily skin fam!

Skin Type
Oily Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneHormonal AcneFungal AcneSensitivityDark SpotsOilinessPoresDullness