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Needly Daily Toner Pad
Lizzy__0518's avatar


United States
Combination Skin Acne Fungal Acne Sensitivity
Lizzy__0518's avatar

Beginner routine

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

This is my new routine as of late. For my morning routine, I use Aveeno one day and Benzyol peroxide the next, and no other actives in the morning. In the evening I use either a salicylic wash or salicylic toner, never at the same time....

This is my new routine as of late. For my morning routine, I use Aveeno one day and Benzyol peroxide the next, and no other actives in the morning. In the evening I use either a salicylic wash or salicylic toner, never at the same time. I also 5% niacinamide as well with a heavy moisturizer. My skin has significantly less sebaceous filaments and breakouts. I also use a basic oil cleaner.

Northeast America
Cold and Dry
Skin Type
Combination Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneSensitivityDark SpotsOilinessPores