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Sensitive Skin Acne Fungal Acne Sensitivity
JK1's avatar

Fungal Acne flare up

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

If breakout is more severe use the happy cappy treatment as a mask for five minutes until cleared. If the fungal acne is mixed with bacterial acne use the sulfur de la Cruz. Do not use both in the same day. Use the effaclar as only spot...

If breakout is more severe use the happy cappy treatment as a mask for five minutes until cleared. If the fungal acne is mixed with bacterial acne use the sulfur de la Cruz. Do not use both in the same day. Use the effaclar as only spot treatment for the more severe pimples or areas. If too irritating use the mask one night and the spot treatment the next, essentially alternate.

Different moisturizers not necessary, choose the one your skin likes more. I added both for options and variety.

Tip: spray thermal water before toner for better results.

Apply sulfur mask on dry skin and zinc mask on damp skin.

Skin Type
Sensitive Skin
Skin Concerns
AcneFungal AcneSensitivityDrynessPoresDullness