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SkinSortSr's avatar

1a 30s Skincare (Retinol)

Skincare Routine
Routine Tip You can rearrange your products by holding and dragging them

Alternating with 1b

Face wash varies but always a foaming cleanser (e.g., youth To The People Cleanser and Fenty Clensr). Cream cleansers are not very good in my opinion. Serums, toners, and moisturisers vary also depending on skin...

Alternating with 1b

Face wash varies but always a foaming cleanser (e.g., youth To The People Cleanser and Fenty Clensr). Cream cleansers are not very good in my opinion. Serums, toners, and moisturisers vary also depending on skin issue and finances. Retinol (inkey is the best I've used) and SPF50 (cosrx aloe is the best I've used) always the same.

Skin Type
Combination Skin
Skin Concerns
WrinklesFine LinesSensitivityPoresDark SpotsDullnessAcne