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Azelaic Acid

Our database includes 280 products that contain Azelaic Acid.

You should know


Reduces Redness
Large Pores
Dark Spots
Scar Healing


Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid that is derived from grains. However, the lab-created form is typically used within cosmetic products as it has better shelf-stability.

It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of acne, rosacea, and other skin conditions. Azelaic acid helps reduce the growth of bacteria that cause acne and helps to reduce inflammation.

It also helps to improve the appearance of skin by reducing the production of sebum and unclogging pores.

Azelaic Acid also has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help fight free-radicals. Free-radicals are molecules that may damage your skin cells, such as pollution.

One of the main benefits of azelaic acid is that it is gentle and well-tolerated by most people. It is also non-comedogenic, meaning that it will not clog pores.

People also like: Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid, Salicylic Acid

People also dislike: Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol

Azelaic Acid is a rare cosmetic ingredient, with about 0.6% of the products in our database containing it.

What it does:

Masking, Buffering

Community Stats

10963 people from our community have liked or disliked this ingredient.

Users who like it 💖

Often have the following skin types:

Oily Combination

Usually have one or more of the following skin concerns:

Seborrheic Dermatitis • Redness • Dark Spots • Fine Lines

Users who dislike it 💔

Often have the following skin types:

Sensitive Oily

Usually have one or more of the following skin concerns:

Redness • Hormonal Acne • Sensitivity • Dark Spots

Where it's used

Azelaic Acid is most often found as ingredient number 6 within an ingredient list.

Of the 43 products in our database that have a known concentration of Azelaic Acid, we've seen concentrations from 2% to 20% specified within their ingredient lists.

These are the categories of products that use Azelaic Acid the most:

CosIng Data

  • CosIng ID: 74538
  • EC #:  204-669-1
  • All Functions: Buffering, Masking
What is CosIng?

CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients.

SkinSort uses CosIng to source some of it's data on ingredient names and functions.