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Xanthan Gum

Our database includes 11457 products that contain Xanthan Gum.


Xanthan gum is used as a stabilizer and thickener within cosmetic products. It helps give products a sticky, thick feeling - preventing them from being too runny.

On the technical side of things, xanthan gum is a polysaccharide - a combination consisting of multiple sugar molecules bonded together.

Xanthan gum is a pretty common and great ingredient. It is a natural, non-toxic, non-irritating ingredient that is also commonly used in food products.

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Also known as: Xanthomonas Campestris Gum

Xanthan Gum is a somewhat common cosmetic ingredient, with about 24.0% of the products in our database containing it.

Community Stats

327 people from our community have liked or disliked this ingredient.

Users who like it 💖

Often have the following skin types:

Sensitive Combination

Usually have one or more of the following skin concerns:

Dullness • Dryness • Sensitivity • Redness

Users who dislike it 💔

Often have the following skin types:

Sensitive Combination

Usually have one or more of the following skin concerns:

Dryness • Dullness • Sensitivity • Wrinkles

Where it's used

Xanthan Gum is most often found as ingredient number 20 within an ingredient list.

Of the 2 products in our database that have a known concentration of Xanthan Gum, we've seen concentrations from 0.3% to 0.57% specified within their ingredient lists.

These are the categories of products that use Xanthan Gum the most:

CosIng Data

  • CosIng ID: 80699
  • EC #:  234-394-2
  • Ph. Eur. Name: gummi xanthanum
  • All Functions: Binding, Emulsifying, Emulsion Stabilising, Gel Forming, Skin Conditioning, Surfactant, Viscosity Controlling
What is CosIng?

CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients.

SkinSort uses CosIng to source some of it's data on ingredient names and functions.