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Sodium Sulfite

Our database includes 159 products that contain Sodium Sulfite.

You should know


Sodium Sulfite is a preservative. Preservatives help prevent mold and bacteria from growing in cosmetics.

This ingredient has been shown to break the bonds in hair, acting as a natural straightener.

It is commonly used in food. It should be noted sodium sulfite degrades both vitamins B1 and E.

Fun fact: Sulfites are naturally occuring in wine.

Sodium Sulfite is a rare cosmetic ingredient, with about 0.3% of the products in our database containing it.

What it does:


Where it's used

Sodium Sulfite is most often found as ingredient number 28 within an ingredient list.

These are the categories of products that use Sodium Sulfite the most:

CosIng Data

  • CosIng ID: 38095
  • EC #:  231-821-4
  • Ph. Eur. Name: natrii sulfis
  • All Functions: Hair Waving Or Straightening, Preservative
What is CosIng?

CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients.

SkinSort uses CosIng to source some of it's data on ingredient names and functions.